Wednesday, 7 April 2010

What choice do we really have?

The hare is now officially running and in a month's time, we the electorate, will be asked to exercise our democratic duty in choosing the next Government for this great country of ours.

But what choice are we really being given? How are we realistically meant to decide on where to put our cross?

Politics in this country is already at its lowest ebb following expenses scandals, illegal wars and voter apathy. A general election should be just what the Dr ordered. A chance to draw a line in the sand and move in a new direction. So why is it so difficult to make any major distinction between the 3 main parties?

Media commentary on the election campaign seems obsessed with the leader's wives, which ad agency have been commissioned for the latest billboards, their oratory ability, which backdrops they chose to make their speeches in front of and the people they chose to have around them as they spoke.

Nothing is said about the content of these speeches or any policy clues they contain. We seem obsessed on the race to No 10, but not what each party will deliver when they get there.

For the first time, I am what you could call a floating voter. Historically always a Tory voter, I'm still waiting to hear anything from Camp Cameron to convince me he deserves my vote. For a while I thought maybe Lib Dem could be the way to go, but again, a glance through their election pledges turns up nothing to indicate any major change in direction.

It seems I'm gonna have to make the concerted effort to trawl the news channels and the depths of the Internet to gleen anything of sufficient gravity to help me cement my decision.

If we're going to turn around the trend of lower and lower turn-outs at the polls, they're going to have to make it a lot easier than this.

For bullshit-free opinion on the election campaign, also see and

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